Infinity Dreams Blog Award

2015 is the year of milestones. I had my 2-year blogiversary in May. My poetry chapbook “Can You Catch My Flow?” is now 6 months old (soon it’ll be available print on demand).  And now I’ve just received the Infinity Dreams blog award. Making this my 2nd blog award in my blogging career!

It made my day that Celia from Word Wacker thought my blog, worthy for nomination. So behalf on Celia, Paving My Author’s Road and myself, I accept.

Now let’s get on with the award rules and guidelines:

1) Thank and follow the blog that nominated you

2) Tell us 11 facts about yourself

3) Answer the questions that were set for you to answer, and

4) Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them.
First, thank you, Celia. Like I said, you made my day. And per the rules, here are 11 facts about myself:

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1)   I’ve always wanted to be a writer because of Jo from Little Women.

2)   I love the color blue. My closet is like a rainbow of different hues of blue with a sprinkle of other colors, here and there.

3)   I’m impatient, which was why I started reading manga (graphic novel) because I couldn’t wait for the next episode of an ongoing anime. (Most anime are based on the original manga)

4)   I’m slow to make decisions. I can spend almost 30 minutes on a menu and 50% of the time, order the same dish I always order.

5)   I used to wish I was a twin because of my zodiac sign and the Sweet Valley Wakefield twins.

6)   I had my first poem published in my junior high school yearbook.

7)   Aside from wanting to be a writer since I was young, I also had a secret dream to become a ninja.

8)   I don’t drive, mostly because I prefer public transportation. And I find it a bit scary and hard to learn. (I don’t get how people say it’s easy. No it’s not) :-/

9)   I’m a repeated ‘plantser.’ I both plan/plot and “fly by the seat of my pants” in writing and other projects.

10)  I break every smartphone I get. Well not really break, just that certain things stop functioning as well as it first used to. For example, sometimes my phone won’t ring when people call me (it’s not even on silent or vibrate). And the texts I send aren’t received until hours later. I swear, I’m a magnet for malfunctioning electronics, but no one believes me.

11)  I’m very clumsy to the point that my nickname should be “oww” or “destructor.”

Add a little bit of body text
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Questions set for me:

Are you a morning person or a night person?

I sleep like the dead. It usually takes 2-3 scheduled alarms to get me up in the morning (snooze included). So yeah, I’m a night person but I’ve made it a point to go to bed at a reasonable hour now. I need the beauty sleep and to replenish my creativity well. The weekends are a different story.

What is your favorite TV show (current or past, broadcast or cable or streaming)?

This is a tough one to answer. I don’t watch much TV, although I love Married with Children, The Cosby Show, Family Matters, Sister Sister, Charmed, Big Bang, The Flash, Veronica Mars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, That 70’s Show, etc. But for several years now, my viewing pleasure has been streaming videos of anime and Asian dramas from Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, and Japan. And there are too many favorites from that side of the hemisphere to list.

What was/is your favorite subject in school? How about your least favorite?

Hands down my favorite subject is English. My least favorite, though I was quite good in the subject in my younger years, was and still is, Math.

What is your favorite beverage to sip on a quiet evening?

A glass of Williamsburg Winery Governor’s White Riesling Wine.

If you could magically get the answer to one question, what would that question be?

Such a loaded question. I’m not even sure I’d ask. It’s like asking your boo if he thinks you’re fat. But if I could, then the question would be ‘what about me makes me stand out from others?’

What kind of music or radio station do you listen to most often? (If you don’t listen, why not?)

I mostly listen to The Steve Harvey Morning Show and The Frank Ski Show on WHUR 96.3. If I’m not listening to them then I’m listening to the Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock station on Pandora. Because I just have to get me my 80s and 90s music fix.

What is something about you that most people would find surprising?

I’m methodical about the most ordinary and strangest things. When I was younger, if I started walking on one foot (preferred my right), then the last step I take on a path must be the same foot.

If you were going to be an animal, what animal would it be?

I immediately thought of the cheetah. Don’t ask me why, but if I had to choose, I’d like to be a cheetah.

Who do you imagine as the target audience for your blog?

I’m still trying to nail who my target audience are. But I like to think of them as lovers of words. Readers and writers alike. Who’d want to travel along, side by side, on this wordsmith’s journey.

What is easiest for you about blogging? What is hardest?

Finding and writing content that interests me and my readers. Funny enough, finding and writing content that interests me and my readers.

What’s one pet peeve?

Opening food packages (cereal, cookies, crackers, etc) and not sealing it back up properly.

Infinity Dreams Blog Award
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Blogs I’m Nominating:


Janice Wald-Reflections

Shelah Maul-The Open Jar

Rachel Blair

MJ Bush- WritinGeekery

Quanie Talks Writing

Sandra Bellamy- Quirky Books

Write with Fey

Olivia Savannah

Katina Charles

Claudine- Carry Us Off Books

And they’re all women. Looks like I’m answering Kamila Shamsie’s challenge prematurely and in a different way.

Q and A
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Questions Set for the Nominees:

1) What was the first book you’ve ever read?

2) If you were to choose, which book would you like to be physically transported into?

3) What do you like to do to bring yourself out of a funk/bad mood?

4) How do you determine success?

5) Do you prefer paperback or ebook? Why?

6) Are you a Star Trek fan or Star Wars?

7) What TV show(s) are you currently obsessed with?

8) Who would you want to play you in your biography movie?

9)  What is your dream destination?

10) Who is your favorite superhero/heroine?

11) Who is your hero?

Whew! My award acceptance is now complete! Thank you again, Celia, for this nomination. And thank you for stopping by.

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PS My 200th blog post milestone is next month on July 20th. And I don’t know what I should do to celebrate. Any suggestions?


  1. So many great milestones. Congratulations on all of them and on the award.

    #1…YES! Jo was my inspiration too. But also my mom.

    Thank you so much for the nomination! I am honored. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination! I am looking forward to doing this one. Oh wow, it really does take a while to wake you up! It’s good that you have then decided to go to bed a bit earlier so that it should be easier for the person who needs to shake you awake (or your alarm, as you mentioned.) I actually don’t like the colour blue but I have a lot of it in my own wardrobe for some reason xD And I love Little Women ❤ A good book to have as your inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome Olivia. Yup I’m a sound sleeper alright. Even chucked my alarm clock across the room once in college, lol. Too bad you really don’t like the color blue but real happy to meet another Little Women lover. 😀


  3. Watches used to stop on me – magnets in my body – May be related to the electrical things. I used to be fairly IT illiterate and now I teach IT courses – ha! Just goes to show that anything is possible. Congrats on this award and thanks so much for nominating me. This is a beautiful award and it’s one I haven’t had before. I am about a year and a half behind with blog awards – It’s bad – I know. I mostly work 7 days a week nowadays, so find it hard to get around blogs and post as much. I have two employed job and I am self-employed with multiple businesses – Although about to publish my Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy Book – 2 and a half years in the making. Congrats on your 200th Blog post and your blogiversary. I plan to work backwards on blog awards once I have my book published. So you won’t have to wait for a year and a half – Don’t worry. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • So we share the same affliction. Only thing is I’m still IT illiterate. But wow, you really are one busy woman. So a huge CONGRATS is in order for your publication. Wish you the best of luck.

      Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome Claudine and thank you. And yay for the color blue lovers! But I understand perfectly about the driving issue. I try not to think of it but sometimes I’d picture getting into some kind of car accident. Mainly on the highway. Driving is my biggest hurdle but going have to bite the bullet eventually. Having a car will save time and money, but still… :-/


  4. It was nice to know about you Lidy. Thanks for stopping by my blod. Maybe I should give Little Women a Try, and I was a fan of many of the shows you’ve mentionned. Now I’m more into dramas just like you since I don’t watch TV anymore. Blue is my favorite color too. It’s impressive that you had your first poem published so early. This blogosphere of authors I am not used to, but there is always a first, I’ll follow your blog. Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Blue. And I’m glad that I was able to recommend a book to you. Like you, I prefer dramas because I get to enjoy the story line in one shot. TV series can go on for years and eventually stop being as interesting as it was in the beginning. Thanks again for following!

      Liked by 1 person

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