Happy Poem In Your Pocket Day!

As I’ve been stating all month long, today is Poem In Your Pocket Day! If you click the link it’ll take you to a page to download a list of poems for today by the Academy of American Poets.

To celebrate, you can take part by choosing and sharing your poem on social media. And using hashtag #pocketpoem. By recording and sharing a video of yourself reciting a poem on your social media platforms. By printing out a poem and drawing an image from it in the white space or folding it into an origami swan. And many many more.

As always, I’ve chosen my poem to share on my blog. In the past, I’d chosen Jane Hirshfield’s “Mosquito,”  Khaled Mattawa’s “Lyric,” Anna Yin’s “My Accent,” Alberto Rios’ “When Giving Is All We Have,”  Emily Bronte’s “Spellbound,” Joy Harjo’s “Remember,” and Adebe DeRango-Adem’s “O Sea of Troubles We Did Not Take Arms Against.”

This year my pocket poem is…

What poem did you carry in your pocket today? Discovered any new poets or rediscovered old poets this month? How do you plan to celebrate the final weeks of poetry month?

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