The Soul Traveler & Nadia the Fire Witch New Covers

on a blogging break

Now wait a minute…aren’t am I supposed to be on a blogging break?! So what am I doing posting and blogging today? It’s not Monday nor is it 8am, the usual blog post schedule.

Well, I’m just so excited and I wanted to share it with you. Thanks to the suggestions to my post for IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) on June 1st. I was able to update two of my work in progress stories on Wattpad with new covers!

All thanks goes to fellow IWSG and Wattpad member Olga Godim who designed the new cover for The Soul Traveler. And thanks goes to Elphadora who designed Nadia the Fire Witch. I’m still waiting for new designs for my epic fantasy Harbingers of El Tinor. Which I’ve already plan to work on for NaNoWriMo 2016.

I’m also waiting for the cover for the  contemporary romance, Dreaming of You, to be redone. Although, a lovely cover was already made. I wasn’t specific enough in the details, since the couple are African-American. It’s lovely isn’t it, right? Can’t wait and keeping my fingers crossed that the designer creates another good cover for me.

dreaming of you- needs to redone

Anyways, without further ado. Behold the new covers:

soul traveler & nadia 1 new cover

PS If you don’t know already #SFFpit is a Twitter pitch event for science-fiction and fantasy writers. And it’s happening this Thursday, on June 23rd, from 8am to 6pm. To find out more about #SFFpit and the new rules, visit Dan Koboldt’s website.

Still not sure you want to take part? Then read Jennifer Derrick’s guest blog post on how she stumbled on a Twitter pitch, #Pit2Pub. And into a publishing deal: Success at a Twitter Pitch Party

How do you like the new covers? What are your experiences with the design process and the waiting for the cover of your own book(s)?  Do you use the cover of a book as a deciding factor to read/buy the book? Or do you believe in not judging a book by its cover?




  1. The Soul Traveler reminds me of a fun, coming of age story (a beach read). And the Nadia cover looks creepy (in a good way). Can’t way to see the revised cover for your other story. The book cover process can be great (when they get it right) and maddening when the design doesn’t match your vision. Sometimes a “bad” cover will turn me off. Sometimes I know that budget is an issue so I’ll look past a not so good cover if the blurb piques my interest (sometimes not).

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    • Thanks Quanie. I can’t wait for the response to the cover request for my epic fantasy Harbingers. It’s been on hiatus for more than a year and I’m eager to get back to it. I’ve given it much thought and have decided to split it into two books. For the cover, I was thinking of having my 3 female MCs in cloaks (2 of which you can see the hilts of their swords) walking on different paths but to the same destination, with a citadel behind them. Then book 2 cover will have them facing each other (2 as allies) weapons drawn and on a battlefield. But still, have to wait to see what I’ll get. As for me, the cover does matter. It’s usually the first thing that grabs me, then I read the title and last check the synopsis on the back. Or sometimes, it’s the title that grabs my interest. But if the cover doesn’t and the synopsis is meh, I’ll read the first page or so and make my decision then.


  2. Congratulations on your covers! I do judge covers, but they aren’t a deciding factor for if I buy and/or read a book. The blurb does that. But the title and cover can intrigue me.

    Enjoy your blogging break!

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    • Thanks Kelly. I’m the same but then I also spoil myself and read how it ends. If I like how it ends and begins, it makes me eager to find out how the story goes. Like Joan Didion once said in an interview in The Paris Review. RE: “The last sentence in a piece is another adventure. It should open the piece up. It should make you go back and start reading from page one.”


  3. Even when I’m on a break, sometimes I just get so excited I have to drop everything and write up a post as well! These covers look LOVELY and I definitely approve of them. I love them! And I hope you manage to enjoy the rest of your hiatus 😀

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    • Yes. Especially, when you’re giving up hours of your time. The cover is the treat of what’s to come for readers once the cover enthralls us to open the book.


  4. Nice covers! The one for Nadia is particularly eye-catching with the fanged beast and the otherworldly creatures. The more you look, the more you see. The cover is what draws me in first, and sometimes the title, though I don’t judge solely on those things. I’ll usually read the blurb and maybe a page or two before I make a buying decision.
    I had to wait a long time for my first cover because the designer had some family and household issues going on and it seemed like forever. I was really happy with it when I finally got it. The process can be frustrating sometimes, though, when you can’t quite get the image you see in your head onto paper. Just deciding what to put on the cover can be overwhelming, too. There are so many possibilities. It’s fun trying to figure it out, but it’s a challenge. Enjoy your break!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lori. The cover is what draws me in first too. Then it’s the title, synopsis/blurb and a few short pages. And yes, the wait can be horrible but worth it.

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