A Writing Update on Nadia (book 1)- work in progress

Nadia word cloud

This past weekend has probably been the worst writing weekend I’ve ever had. I tried changing my writing environment. But unfortunately, my garrett was compromised by two rambunctious little boys. So needless to say, I didn’t get much revision/edits done.

Thanks to the four week Revising with Confidence class, I did learn some great self-editing tools. That I’m now applying to draft five of my work in progress novel. After all, Nadia the Fire Witch was born from a dream. A dream I want to turn into reality. By making the characters and the world, they live in, as real as possible. But to do that, I’ll have to buckle down and get my rewrite on.

One of those tools is the word cloud above. I just copied and pasted my manuscript on WordItOut.com. And it created a tag cloud of overused words I wrote. Here I was, making sure to keep a look out on using too many ‘ly’ words. As well as ‘really’, ‘very’, ‘then’, ‘that’,’look’, ‘stared’, etc. That I completely missed the rest. Thank you Word It Out!

I’ve also learned about avoid filtering. So that I can write deeper from my character’s point of view. And now, besides getting back to my rewrite, I’m reviewing my writing goals. To plan my writing future. A future where I have a completed manuscript ready for beta readers by the end of summer. Some more edits until I have a completed publishable novel. Ready for the next #PitMad in September or December. Of course, I’ll be querying agents and publishers (already have a list of who to query to).

But first, I have to get back to this draft. It’s not going to write itself.

How was your weekend? Were you productive and achieved any of your goals this weekend?

PS Would love to get some critique and feedback. You can now read the work in progress of Nadia book one on Wattpad. As well as another work in progress, an epic fantasy titled “Harbingers of El Tinor.” As a reader, are you hooked from the beginning? Are there any parts you skimmed over?

nadia cover

Nadia Kemp is a very special witch. Why is she special? Only her family knows.

Nadia, a lonely witch, is the new girl in town. After years of homeschooling, Nadia begins her countdown until the first day of school but finds herself targeted by persons unknown. Determined to have the normal high school life she’s dreamed of, Nadia has less than two weeks to find out who’s after her and why. Can Nadia defeat her pursuers and avoid capture? Or will she never walk down the pristine hallways of Lyndonburg High School?

PSS Whoops, guess I’m much worse in math than I thought. My 200th post is not four posts away in July. But it’s actually 40 posts away (smh). I still don’t know how I could’ve made such a huge blunder. On the upside, at least I can celebrate and say “Happy Belated 150th Blog Post!”

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  1. “buckle down and get my rewrite on”—I love that!

    I’ve never tried a word cloud. I use the ‘search and find’ tool in Word to look for commonly over-used words in my manuscript, but a word cloud would help me find the not-so-common ones I focus on. Sounds like a great tool.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome Lupin. I’ve never thought to use it before either. But it’s useful in that it helps to point out which words you’d want to focus on in your rewrite/revision/edit.


    • Glad you tried it even though it didn’t do much for you. But the word cloud is a good thing to have next to you. I thought I had covered my most likely to overuse words. And the cloud showed me the words I wasn’t even aware of. Best thing about it is, that it’s done from least to greatest used by the size of the word in the tag cloud.


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