Taking A Break and Engaging on Wattpad

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4th of July weekend is now over. And I’m reminded again how time has really flown by this year. I’m starting to feel the crunch now that we’re 7 months into 2015. So, I’ve come to the decision to take a little break from my blog.

This was no easy decision. Taking a break had been nibbling on my mind for awhile now. And I can no longer ignore my muse. Whose sharpening her machete on a grindstone, behind me, as I speak. I kind of need my brain (in particular the right side). That’s where all my creative concoctions happen.

On another note, I’ve been prowling around on Wattpad. Why? Just as I want my blog read I also want my works to be read too. But the problem was how.

Well after searching Google and the Wattpad site, I did the tried-and-true method. Engage, engage, engage.

When I first signed up on Wattpad, all I did was create a profile and upload my works. Then I just sat back and waited. You’d think I had enough sense by now. You can’t just sit and wait to be discovered. You have to promote yourself. Get social and engage with like-minded individuals.

So what am I doing to grow readership on Wattpad? For starters I’ve joined some clubs whose genre I’m writing in. Since my Nadia series and Harbingers of El Tinor are fantasy stories, I joined the Fantasy club. As well as the Teen Fiction, Adventure and the Poetry clubs. And participated in a few discussions, like the source of inspiration to my stories. And sharing links to my stories.

I’ll see if any of this would bear any fruit and come back with an update in August. I have to hurry back to my rewrite and edits now. Because that grindstone is speeding up.

See you on August 5th for Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day!

Are you on any writing community sites? Which sites have you posted your works on? How did you find the authors/writers you’re currently reading or have read?



  1. I really want to go on a blogging break, but if I do that I’ll end up far behind since I have my posts all ready for the rest of this year. I will take a small break in November and a two week break in December, so I can’t wait for that.

    Enjoy your break! I hope you get a lot of writing done!

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  2. August is a pretty long time! However, my own break is going to be coming up this Tuesday as well, so I am going to be doing that very soon and having my own post likewise up. I hope you enjoy the time off and that you can find it beneficial!

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  3. There are so many social media sites that it’s impossible to engage on them all. Wattpad is intriguing and I think it’s a great place to get noticed. I wish I had the time 🙂 Have fun and happy writing!

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    • Thank you D. 😀 Oh yeah, there are a lot. As many as there are stars in the sky (maybe). And I’d love to engage on all of them but that’d be impossible like you said. Best thing to do is engage on the sites you’re comfortable in. But the benefits to Wattpad is in building a fan base.

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  4. I get most of my writing camaraderie via Twitter, especially through various Twitter chats, and on hashtag days such as these. I try to visit and comment on each blog that I RT, and have made many meaningful connections that way! 😀

    ~Tui, aka @TuiSnider dropping by via #TuesdayShares on Twitter

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    • Thanks for stopping by Tui! And you’re right. Twitter chats and hashtags has allowed me to connect with other bloggers and writers around the globe too.


  5. I really need a blogging break too, but just can’t seem to get around to it. I’ve been wondering if I should put up a few guest posts when I’m on vacation in August. Has anyone else ever tried that? 🙂
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal – Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

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    • I’ve thought of doing the same. Perhaps you can reach out over social media for guest blogs, a call to action. Reach out to fellow book reviewers/bloggers or tweet #bloggerswanted. Good thing with WordPress is that you can reblog someone else’s blog post.


  6. Good for you for taking a break! I’m taking one (well, an unofficial break) but I still haven’t managed to get as much writing done as I’d like to. But, I’ll get it done. And I’ve heard of Wattpad but I haven’t joined. I’ll check it out soon. Good luck with your projects:)

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    • Thanks Quanie 😊 I’m doing most of the writing by hand, so it’s going slow but the dam’s broken, and ideas are spilling forth. You should… heard that Wattpad is a good place to grow readership and a fan base. Thanks again and good luck on your writing too.


  7. I’ve found that a lot of bloggers don’t seem to abide by the “comment on the blogs of those who have commented on yours” school of thought, so I tend to find people through Twitter now. But I’ll be interested to see how your strategy pans out!

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  8. I made the shift from reading on Wattpad to writing on Wattpad during a break from writing. I had pledged it as a no-write year, but ended up writing several “books” on Wattpad. I managed to get a readership from reading Wattpad books of the genre I wished to write in. My comments and votes got the attention of the writer/other readers, and they happened to click their way to my books and read them. That said, I did read several books on how to succeed on Wattpad, the best ones being these: https://www.wattpad.com/list/211646590-best-books-about-wattpad
    I advise you to check out the lower four books on the reading list I shared in the link.
    Happy Wattpadding 🙂

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  9. I love the sound of taking a break from blogging. Actually I kind of am doing that, but it’s nice to not pressure oneself about it, to let that break be okay. Wattpad sounds awesome!

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