What’s Your Writing Poison?

Well, I’ve finally figured out how to add pages to my menu. It’s as if I’ve been dropped into a different world in getting use to WordPress. And that feeling enhanced the past week since my adapter stopped working on me. It wasn’t charging my Chromebook, which then slipped into a coma. And was only revived recently last week Friday.

So I couldn’t make any edits and revisions to the young adult supernatural novel I’m working on. Nor write up and post daily poems for NaPoWriMo. So what’s a girl to do but go old school? And for most of last week I was in throwback mode with my trusty pen and paper.  Collecting lines and scribbling poems. Adding new scenes and chapters until my manuscript was dripping red. And then using the one to two hours of lunch time at work to learn WordPress. Type and update documents and post my NaPoWriMo poems.

In fact, I’ve always found writing long hand beneficial. It’s as if the pen/pencil connects and pulls out my thoughts. So that the pages runneth over. I can write out more in 15 minutes than I can type in three times the time. Even so, it felt odd not to have a computer at my complete disposal. Because after all the flow and chaos of words, I need the blank page of a document to organize it all. It was so odd that I even wished I had a typewriter.

Which brings up my question and also my post’s title. What’s your writing poison? What writing tools enables you to write to your heart’s content? Mine is the combination of pen and paper and computer. What’s yours? A computer, a typewriter, pen and paper or old, old school with a feather pen and ink?

What's your writing poison


  1. I write mostly in Scrivener, but I often start stories and poems on paper. I don’t know what it is, but it gets the story going.


    • Oh I’d love to give Scrivener a try but the software is not compatible to Chromebooks. If only they made a Google app already. But writing longhand really is like an energy drink for storytelling.Thanks for commenting Ula.

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  2. I usually start with an idea on paper. It could be a line or a page, notes or complete sentences. Then I sit at the computer and it can become a whole chapter in my novel or a piece of flash fiction…


    • Yeah, I agree. There’s something so daunting about staring at a white page on a screen. As if the words freezes up. But it’s the opposite with an actual piece of paper. The dam blows and afterwards you put that flow onto the MS Word document or Google Docs(what I use), Libre, etc.


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